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Finn Whitman
Finn the leader of the group. He stands out a lot and he is quite popular among the keepers, he is a quick thinker and always seems to make the plans he gets kind of upset when Wayne put his attention on other keepers. I have heard he is kind of jealous of Maybeck.
Finn has a best friend out of the kingdom keepers named Dillard Cole he is very sweet and I have met him a few times. Once I heard that Greg (the school bully) was about to hurt Finn and Dillard saved his life.
Everyone tells Finn that he is a leader and at first he always denied it but now he says it all the time its kind of funny, except when he gets mad over it.
Finn has a little sister named Casey she isn’t talked about very much in the books but there not far off from the truth I hardly ever see her and when I do she always hides her face its kind of weird. When the keepers and I have dinner at Finns house she never comes down stairs.
Finn told me he really misses VMK if you don’t know what VMK it is (virtual Magic Kingdom) he really liked meeting up with the other keepers on night the keepers could not meet up. They would always go in these secret rooms and just chat about the overtakers but then it got shut down I don’t know why thought Maybeck says it’s the overtakers.
© copyright 2015 Amanda Lockhart for educational purposes only
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